324.1146. Law enforcement officers who perform private investigationsshall be licensed under this chapter subject to the followingqualifications and limitations:
(1) The board may waive testing for law enforcement officerscurrently certified under existing peace officer standards and trainingrequirements under chapter 590, RSMo;
(2) Law enforcement officers shall pay the appropriate licensingfees;
(3) Law enforcement officers shall assume individual liability fortheir actions while performing private investigations, complying with anyinsurance or bonding requirements imposed under sections 324.1100 to324.1148;
(4) Law enforcement officers shall not utilize their officialcapacity in the course of a private investigation, including but notlimited to:
(a) Accessing information intended only for police officials. Lawenforcement officers shall comply with the legal limits on access to theinformation of private citizens;
(b) Utilizing any official item, such as a uniform, badge, orvehicle, while performing a private investigation. Law enforcementofficers shall provide their own equipment;
(c) Utilizing law enforcement officer arrest and use of forcestandards. Law enforcement officers shall use private citizen arrest anduse of force standards while operating as a private investigator;
(5) Law enforcement officers shall produce evidence of training andexperience concerning the legal limits imposed on private investigations orpass a test on such subject produced by the board; and
(6) The provisions of sections 324.1100 to 324.1148 shall not applyto law enforcement officers who provide only private security services andnot private investigator services.
(L. 2007 H.B. 780 merged with S.B. 308)