324.147. 1. A license as a provisional licensed clinicalperfusionist may be issued by the board to a person who has successfullycompleted an approved perfusion education program and upon the filing of anapplication, payment of an application fee and the submission of evidencesatisfactory to the board of the successful completion of the educationrequirements as provided in section 324.136.
2. A license as a provisional licensed clinical perfusionist may alsobe issued by the board to a person who has held a certificate as acertified clinical perfusionist issued by the American Board ofCardiovascular Perfusion, or its successor, if the person's certificatelapsed for reasons other than disciplinary action by the American Board ofCardiovascular Perfusion. The board shall adopt rules to ensure that theperson is actively seeking to obtain a current certification by theAmerican Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion as a means of obtaining alicense as a clinical perfusionist pursuant to subdivision (2) of section324.150.
3. A provisional licensed clinical perfusionist shall be undersupervision and direction of a licensed clinical perfusionist at all timesduring which the provisional licensed clinical perfusionist performsperfusion. The board may adopt rules governing such supervision anddirection which do not require the immediate physical presence of thesupervising licensed clinical perfusionist.
4. A provisional license shall be valid for one year from the date itis issued and may be renewed, subject to rules adopted by the board, by thesame procedures established for the renewal of licenses pursuant to section324.144, if the application for renewal is signed by a supervising licensedclinical perfusionist.
5. If a provisional licensed clinical perfusionist who obtains aprovisional license pursuant to subsection 1 of this section fails anyportion of the licensure examination, such person shall surrender theperson's provisional license to the board.
(L. 1997 S.B. 141 ยง 23, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1937)