324.205. 1. Any person who holds a license to practice dietetics inthis state may use the title "Dietitian" or the abbreviation "L.D.". Noother person may use the title "Dietitian" or the abbreviation "L.D.". Noother person shall assume any title or use any title or use anyabbreviation or any other words, letters, signs, or devices to indicatethat the person using the same is a licensed dietitian.
2. No person shall practice or offer to practice dietetics in thisstate for compensation or use any title, sign, abbreviation, card, ordevice to indicate that such person is practicing dietetics unless he orshe has been duly licensed pursuant to the provisions of sections 324.200to 324.225.
3. Any person who violates the provisions of subsection 1 of thissection is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
(L. 1998 H.B. 1601, et al. merged with S.B. 650, A.L. 1999 H.B. 343, A.L. 2004 S.B. 1122)