324.240. As used in sections 324.240 to 324.275, the following termsshall mean:
(1) "Board", the board of therapeutic massage;
(2) "Certified mentor", a practitioner who is qualified for licensein this state pursuant to sections 324.240 to 324.275 and who has practicedprofessionally for five years, with an average of four hundred fifty hoursper year of teaching and massage hours and who has been approved by theboard as a massage therapy instructor;
(3) "Director", the director of the division of professionalregistration;
(4) "Division", the division of professional registration;
(5) "Massage business", any place of business in which massagetherapy is practiced;
(6) "Massage therapist", a health care practitioner who provides oroffers to provide massage therapy, as provided in sections 324.240 to324.275, to any person at no cost or for a fee, monetary or otherwise,implying that the massage therapist is trained, experienced and licensed inmassage therapy, and who holds a current, valid license to practice massagetherapy;
(7) "Massage therapy", a health care profession which involves thetreatment of the body's tonus system through the scientific or skillfultouching, rubbing, pressing or other movements of the soft tissues of thebody with the hands, forearms, elbows, or feet, or with the aid ofmechanical apparatus, for relaxation, therapeutic, remedial or healthmaintenance purposes to enhance the mental and physical well-being of theclient, but does not include the prescription of medication, spinal orjoint manipulation, the diagnosis of illness or disease, or any service orprocedure for which a license to practice medicine, chiropractic, physicaltherapy, or podiatry is required by law, or to those occupations defined inchapter 329, RSMo;
(8) "Massage therapy instructor", an individual who possessesteaching credentials satisfactory to the board for the purpose of teachingmassage therapy;
(9) "Person", an individual, corporation, association or other legalentity.
(L. 1998 H.B. 1601, et al., A.L. 1999 H.B. 343 merged with S.B. 362, A.L. 2008 S.B. 788)