324.418. 1. The certificate of registration issued biennially to aregistered interior designer pursuant to sections 324.400 to 324.439 shallbe renewed on or before the certificate renewal date accompanied by therequired fee. The certificate of registration of a registered interiordesigner which is not renewed within three months after the certificaterenewal date shall be suspended automatically, subject to the right of theholder to have the suspended certificate of registration reinstated withinnine months of the date of suspension if the person pays the requiredreinstatement fee. Any certificate of registration suspended and notreinstated within nine months of the suspension date shall expire and bevoid and the holder of such certificate shall have no rights or privilegesprovided to holders of valid certificates. Any person whose certificate ofregistration has expired may, upon demonstration of current qualificationsand payment of required fees, be reregistered or reauthorized under theperson's original certificate of registration number.
2. Each application for the renewal or reinstatement of aregistration shall be on a form furnished to the applicant and shall beaccompanied by the required fees and proof of current completion of atleast one unit every two years of approved or verifiable continuingeducation in interior design or architecture, immediately prior to suchrenewal or reinstatement. Ten contact hours constitutes one continuingeducation unit. Five contact hours of teaching in interior design orarchitecture constitutes one continuing education unit. One college coursecredit in interior design or architecture constitutes one continuingeducation unit.
(L. 1998 H.B. 1601, et al. ยง 7, A.L. 2004 S.B. 1122)