324.712. 1. No license shall be issued or renewed unless theapplicant files with the division a certificate or certificates ofinsurance from an insurance company or companies authorized to do businessin this state. The applicant must demonstrate that he or she has:
(1) Motor vehicle insurance for bodily injury to or death of one ormore persons in any one accident and for injury or destruction of propertyof others in any one accident with minimum coverage of five hundredthousand dollars;
(2) Comprehensive general liability insurance with a minimum coverageof two million dollars, including coverage of operations on state streetsand highways that are not covered by motor vehicle insurance; and
(3) Workers' compensation insurance that complies with chapter 287,RSMo, for all employees.
2. The certificate or certificates shall provide for continuouscoverage during the effective period of the license issued pursuant to thissection. At the time the certificate is filed, the applicant shall alsofile with the division a current list of all motor vehicles covered by thecertificate. The applicant shall file amendments to the list withinfifteen days of any changes.
3. An insurance company issuing any insurance policy required by thissection shall notify the division of any of the following events at leastthirty days before its occurrence:
(1) Cancellation of the policy;
(2) Nonrenewal of the policy by the company; or
(3) Any change in the policy.
4. In addition to all coverages required by this section, theapplicant shall file with the division a copy of either:
(1) A bond or other acceptable surety providing coverage in theamount of fifty thousand dollars for the benefit of a person contractingwith the housemover to move that person's house for all claims for propertydamage arising from the movement of a house; or
(2) A policy of cargo insurance in the amount of one hundred thousanddollars.
(L. 2001 H.B. 567)Certificate of insurance required.*This section was enacted by both H.B. 567 and S.B. 317 during the 1st Regular Session of the Ninety-first General Assembly, 2001. Due to possible conflict, both versions are printed here.
324.712. 1. No license shall be issued or renewed unless theapplicant files with the division a certificate or certificates ofinsurance from an insurance company or companies authorized to do businessin this state. The applicant must demonstrate that he or she has:
(1) Motor vehicle insurance for bodily injury to or death of one ormore persons in any one accident and for injury or destruction of propertyof others in any one accident with minimum amount of coverage establishedby the division by rule;
(2) Comprehensive general liability insurance with a minimum level ofcoverage established by the division by rule, including coverage ofoperations on state streets and highways that are not covered by motorvehicle insurance; and
(3) Workers' compensation insurance that complies with chapter 287,RSMo, for all employees.
2. The certificate or certificates shall provide for continuouscoverage during the effective period of the license issued pursuant to thissection. At the time the certificate is filed, the applicant shall alsofile with the division a current list of all motor vehicles covered by thecertificate. The applicant shall file amendments to the list withinfifteen days of any changes.
3. An insurance company issuing any insurance policy required by thissection shall notify the division of any of the following events at leastthirty days before its occurrence:
(1) Cancellation of the policy;
(2) Nonrenewal of the policy by the company; or
(3) Any change in the policy.
4. In addition to all coverages required by this section, theapplicant shall file with the division a copy of either:
(1) A bond or other acceptable surety providing coverage in theamount of fifty thousand dollars for the benefit of a person contractingwith the housemover to move that person's house for all claims for propertydamage arising from the movement of a house; or
(2) A policy of cargo insurance in the amount of one hundred thousanddollars.
(L. 2001 S.B. 317)*This section was enacted by both H.B. 567 and S.B. 317 during the 1st Regular Session of the Ninety-first General Assembly, 2001. Due to possible conflict, both versions are printed here.