324.718. 1. Application for a special permit to move a house must bemade to the chief engineer of the department of transportation at least twodays prior to the date of the move. For good cause shown, this time may bewaived by the chief engineer.
2. A travel plan shall accompany the application for the specialpermit. The travel plan will show the proposed route, the time estimatedfor each segment of the move, and* a plan to handle traffic so that no onedelay to other highway users shall exceed twenty minutes. The chiefengineer shall review the travel plan and if the route cannot accommodatethe move due to roadway weight limits, bridge size or weight limits, orwill cause undue interruption of traffic flow, the special permit shall notbe issued.
3. The applicant may submit alternate plans if desired until anacceptable route is determined. If the width of the house to be relocatedis more than thirty-six feet, or if no acceptable travel plan has beenfiled, and the denial of the permit would cause a hardship, the applicationand travel plan may be submitted to the chief engineer on appeal. Afterreviewing the route and travel plan, the chief engineer may in his or herdiscretion issue the permit after considering the practical physicallimitations of the route, the nature and purpose of the move, the size andweight of the house, the distance the house is to be moved, and the safetyand convenience of the traveling public. A surety bond in the amount tocover the cost of any damage to the pavement, structures, bridges, roadwayor other damages that may occur may be required if deemed necessary by thechief engineer.
(L. 2001 H.B. 567)*Word "and" does not appear in original rolls.