326.307. The display or uttering by a person of a card, sign,advertisement or other printed, engraved or written instrument or device,printed or through electronic media, bearing a person's name in conjunctionwith the words "certified public accountant" or any abbreviation thereof,or "public accountant" or any abbreviation thereof, shall be prima facieevidence in any action brought pursuant to section 326.298 that the personwhose name is so displayed caused or procured the display or uttering ofsuch card, sign, advertisement or other printed, engraved or writteninstrument or device and that such person is holding himself or herself outto be a certified public accountant or a public accountant holding alicense pursuant to section 326.280. In any such action evidence of thecommission of a single act prohibited by this chapter shall be sufficientto justify an injunction or a conviction without evidence of a generalcourse of conduct.
(L. 2001 H.B. 567)