330.065. 1. Any person desiring to serve a period ofinternship/residency in a Missouri hospital may do so without obtaining apermanent license from the board if he or she qualifies for and obtains atemporary license for internship/residency from the board for a two-yearperiod.
2. The board shall grant a temporary license for internship/residencyupon proper application if it finds:
(1) That the applicant has graduated from a college of podiatricmedicine recognized and approved by the board; and
(2) That the applicant has successfully passed an examination of theNational Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners or any successor thereof; and
(3) That the internship/residency program the applicant intends toenter is offered by a Missouri hospital accredited by the AmericanPodiatric Medical Association.
3. Any person desiring to obtain a temporary license shall makeapplication to the board with evidence that he or she meets therequirements of this section. There shall be a fee paid by the applicantfor the temporary license, such fee to be paid upon the issuance of thelicense. There shall be an application fee which shall accompany allapplications for a temporary license and shall be nonrefundable.
4. If during the period of internship/residency specified in thetemporary license, the holder thereof shall transfer from theinternship/residency program offered by the hospital specified in his orher application, the holder must, before such transfer, receive approvalfor the transfer from the board. Upon approval of the transfer, the newtemporary license shall remain valid for a two-year period from theoriginal date of issuance.
(L. 1981 S.B. 16, A.L. 2005 H.B. 402 merged with S.B. 178)