332.052. 1. Dentists shall maintain an adequate and complete patientrecord for each patient and may maintain electronic records provided therecord-keeping format is capable of being printed for review by the board.
2. Patient records remaining under the care, custody and control ofthe licensees shall be maintained by the licensee, or the licensee'sdesignee, for a minimum of seven years from the date of when the lastprofessional service was provided or in the case of a minor, seven yearsfrom the age of majority.
3. Any correction, addition, or change in any patient record mademore than forty-eight hours after the final entry is entered in the recordas an addendum shall be clearly marked and identified as such, and thedate, time, and name of the person making the correction, addition, orchange shall be included, as well as the reason for the correction,addition, or change.
4. Dentists and nondentists shall maintain copies of laboratory workorders for seven years.
(L. 2006 S.B. 756)