332.061. All funds received pursuant to the provisions ofthis chapter shall be transmitted by the director of the divisionof professional registration to the department of revenue fordeposit in the state treasury to the credit of the "Dental BoardFund" which is hereby established. All expenditures authorizedby this chapter shall be paid from funds appropriated from thedental board fund by the legislature. The provisions of section33.080, RSMo, to the contrary notwithstanding, money in this fundshall not be transferred and placed to the credit of generalrevenue until the amount in the fund at the end of the bienniumis two times the amount of the appropriation from the board'sfunds for the preceding fiscal year or, if the board requires byrule permit renewal less frequently than yearly, then three timesthe appropriation from the board's funds for the preceding fiscalyear. The amount, if any, in the fund which shall lapse is thatamount in the fund which exceeds the appropriate multiple of theappropriations from the board's funds for the preceding fiscalyear.
(L. 1969 S.B. 97, A.L. 1981 S.B. 16, A.L. 1985 S.B. 99)