332.069. 1. Any person or entity not licensed to practice dentistryin Missouri shall not engage in the practice of dentistry, as defined insection 332.171, across state lines except as provided in this section.
2. For purposes of this chapter, the "practice of dentistry acrossstate lines" means:
(1) The rendering of any written or otherwise documented dentalopinion concerning the diagnosis or treatment of a patient within thisstate by a dentist located outside this state as a result of transmissionof individual patient data by electronic, telephonic, or other means fromwithin this state or any other state to such dentist or dentist's agent; or
(2) The rendering of treatment to a patient within this state by adentist located outside this state as a result of transmission ofindividual patient data by electronic, telephonic, or other means fromwithin this state or any other state to such dentist or dentist's agent.
3. A dentist located outside this state shall not be required toobtain a license in this state when:
(1) A consultation is requested by a licensed dentist in this statewho retains ultimate authority and responsibility for the diagnosis ortreatment of a patient located within this state; and
(2) The consultation request is not due to a contractual agreement toauthorize or request consultations from a person or entity not licensed topractice dentistry in Missouri; or
(3) Evaluating a patient or rendering an oral, written, or otherwisedocumented dental opinion when providing testimony or records for thepurpose of any civil or criminal action before any judicial oradministrative proceeding of this state or other forum in this state.
(L. 2004 H.B. 970)