332.113. 1. A person desiring to obtain a volunteer license topractice as a dental hygienist shall:
(1) Submit to the board a verified affidavit stating that he or shehas been licensed to practice as a dental hygienist in Missouri or in anystate or territory of the United States or the District of Columbia for atleast ten years, and has not allowed that license to lapse or expire for aperiod of time greater than four years immediately preceding the date ofapplication for a volunteer license is retired from practicing as a dentalhygienist, and that his or her license was in good standing at retirement;and
(2) Meet the requirements in sections 332.251 or 332.281 and 332.231.
2. Effective with the licensing period beginning on December 1, 2010,a volunteer license to practice dental hygiene shall be renewed every twoyears. To renew a license, each dental hygienist shall submit satisfactoryevidence of current certification in the American Heart Association's BasicLife Support (BLS), Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), or certificationequivalent to BLS or ACLS and completion of twenty- five hours ofboard-approved continuing education during the two-year period immediatelypreceding the renewal period. Continuing education hours earned towardscertification in BLS or ACLS may be applied towards the twenty-five hoursof continuing education required for renewal. Each dental hygienist shallmaintain documentation of completion of the required continuing educationhours for a minimum of six years after the reporting period in which thecontinuing education was completed. The board, solely in its discretion,may allow a dental hygienist working at a facility outlined in subsection 3of this section to credit time spent working in that facility towards thetwenty-five hour continuing education requirement for renewal. The board,solely in its discretion, may waive or extend the time requirements forcompletion of continuing education for reasons related to health, militaryservice, foreign residency, or for other good cause. All requests forcredit for continuing education hours and requests for waivers orextensions of time shall be made in writing and submitted to the boardbefore the renewal date.
3. A dental hygienist with a volunteer license may only providewithout compensation dental hygiene care and preventative care services tofamily members or at facilities operated by city or county healthdepartments organized under chapter 192 or 205, RSMo, city healthdepartments operating under city charters, combined city-county healthcenters, public elementary or secondary schools, federally funded communityhealth centers, or nonprofit community health centers.
4. The board shall not charge a fee for any application for avolunteer license to practice dental hygiene nor to renew a volunteerlicense to practice dental hygiene.
(L. 2009 S.B. 296)