332.161. If an applicant for the dental examination or anapplicant for the dental hygienist examination fails to make therequired average grade as specified by the board, he may make anapplication to the board for reexamination on a form to befurnished by the board on request and he may take a newexamination or examinations at such time and place as isspecified by the board, upon payment by an applicant of areexamination fee equivalent to the dentist examination fee orupon payment by an applicant for examination as a dentalhygienist of a reexamination fee equivalent to the dentalhygienist examination fee. The new examination or examinationsand subsequent registration, if any, shall be governed by theprovisions of sections 332.151 and 332.251, respectively.
(L. 1969 S.B. 97, A.L. 1981 S.B. 16)