332.251. 1. Each applicant for examination as a dentalhygienist shall, after the board has determined that he is aperson of good moral character and reputation, appear before theboard at the time and place specified by the board in a writtennotice to each such applicant. The fee accompanying theapplication as provided in section 332.241 shall not be refundedto any applicant who fails to appear at the time and place sospecified, but the board for good cause shown, as defined byrule, may permit any applicant to take the examination orexaminations at a later time without paying an additional fee.
2. The board shall determine and specify by rule whetherdental hygienist examinations shall be written or oral orclinical or all three, but in any event the examination shall beof such form and of such content and character as to thoroughlytest the qualifications of the applicant to practice as a dentalhygienist in Missouri. Completion of the national boardtheoretical examination with scores acceptable to the board, aspromulgated by rule, is a prerequisite to taking the dentalhygienist examinations.
3. Any applicant who passes the dental hygienist examinationor examinations with the average grade specified in a rulepromulgated by the board shall be entitled to registration as adental hygienist in Missouri, and shall receive a certificate ofregistration. Irrespective of the fact that an applicant mayhave made passing grades on his examinations, he shall not beentitled to a certificate of registration as a dental hygienistif the board finds that at any time prior to the issuance of thecertificate the applicant has cheated on his examination orexaminations, or has made false or misleading statements in anyapplication filed for such examination with intent to deceive theboard, or that he is not a person of good moral character andreputation.
4. The board shall determine and specify by rule the numberof times an applicant may fail all or a portion of the dentalhygiene examinations without completing additional education inan accredited dental hygiene school, and shall specify by rulethe type and amount of additional education which shall berequired of an applicant, which type and amount may varydepending upon the failed portions of the dental hygieneexaminations. However, no applicant shall be refused permissionto take the dental hygiene examinations twice without completingadditional education, nor shall additional education be requiredif the applicant only fails an examination over Missouri laws.
(L. 1969 S.B. 97, A.L. 1981 S.B. 16)