332.291. Any person registered and currently licensed as a dentalhygienist, who is of good moral character, who has been practicing as a dentalhygienist in Missouri immediately preceding the date of his application underthe continuous supervision of a registered and currently licensed dentist inMissouri, may apply to the board for a certificate to be signed and attestedby a designee of the board and bearing the board's seal, certifying that theholder is a person of good moral character, that he was registered andlicensed in Missouri as a dental hygienist on the .... day of ...., 20....,and has been practicing as a dental hygienist continuously under thesupervision of a duly registered and currently licensed dentist in Missourifor ....... year(s) immediately preceding the date of the certificate, andthat he has represented to the board that he intends to apply to practice as adental hygienist in the state of ......; provided that the required fee shallaccompany each application.
(L. 1969 S.B. 97, A.L. 1981 S.B. 16)