332.304. The specific duties of the committee shall include thefollowing:
(1) Designing a training program for dental hygienists which allowscoursework to be completed off-site from the educational institution, andclinical and didactic training to be delivered in the office of a dentistlicensed under this chapter, if such offsite dental office is a part of anaccredited dental hygiene program through the Commission on DentalAccreditation of the American Dental Association as an extended campusfacility or any other facility approved by the council on dentalaccreditation;
(2) Developing suggestions for the creation of a contract between thedepartment and an institution of higher education to establish the trainingprogram designed under subdivision (1) of this section;
(3) Analyzing issues relating to the curriculum, funding, andadministration of the training program designed under subdivision (1) ofthis section; and
(4) On or before November 1, 2005, delivering to both houses of thegeneral assembly and the governor a report on the training program designedunder subdivision (1) of this section and any suggestions developed andanalysis made under subdivisions (2) and (3) of this section.
(L. 2005 S.B. 177)