333.081. 1. Each license issued to a funeral director or embalmerpursuant to this chapter shall expire unless renewed on or before therenewal date. The board may, however, provide for the renewal of licensesheld by individuals who are not actively engaged in practice and who areover sixty-five years of age without fee. The board shall renew any suchlicense upon due application for renewal and upon the payment of therenewal fee, except that no license shall expire during the period when theholder thereof is actively engaged in the military service of the UnitedStates. Any licensee exempted from the renewal of his or her licensebecause of military service shall, before beginning practice in this stateafter leaving military service, apply for and pay the renewal fee for thecurrent licensing period.
2. When renewing a funeral director's or embalmer's license thelicensee shall specify the address of the funeral establishment at which heor she is practicing or proposes to practice and shall notify the board ofany termination of his or her connection therewith. The licensee shallnotify the board of any new employment or connection with a funeralestablishment of a permanent nature. If the licensee is not employed at orconnected with a funeral establishment he shall notify the board of his orher permanent address.
3. The holder of an expired license shall be issued a new license bythe board within two years of the renewal date after he or she has paiddelinquent renewal fees. Any license not renewed within two years shall bevoid.
4. Failure of the licensee to receive the renewal notice shall notrelieve the licensee of the duty to pay the renewal fee and renew his orher license.
(L. 1965 p. 522 ยง 8, A.L. 1981 S.B. 16, A.L. 2001 H.B. 48)