333.145. 1. Every funeral firm in this state or the funeralservice licensee thereof shall give or cause to be given to theperson or persons making funeral arrangements or arranging forthe disposition of a dead human body, at the time sucharrangements are completed and prior to the time of rendering theservice or providing the merchandise, a written statement signedby the purchaser or purchasers or their legal representatives,and a representative of the funeral establishment, showing to theextent then known:
(1) The price of the service that the person or persons haveselected and what is included therein;
(2) The price of each of the supplemental items of serviceor merchandise requested;
(3) The amount involved for each of the items for which thefirm will advance moneys as an accommodation to the family;
(4) The method of payment.
2. A funeral establishment shall not bill or cause to bebilled any item that is referred to as a "cash advance" itemunless the net amount paid for such item or items by the funeralestablishment is the same as is billed by the funeralestablishment.
3. All merchandise displayed in or by funeral establishmentsin this state shall have the price of the merchandise andincluded services, if any, clearly marked or indicated on themerchandise at all times.
(L. 1981 S.B. 16)