334.002. 1. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, any personlicensed pursuant to this chapter may apply to the state board ofregistration for the healing arts for an inactive license status on a formfurnished by the board. Upon receipt of the completed inactive statusapplication form and the board's determination that the licensee meets therequirements established by rule, the board shall declare the licenseeinactive and shall place the licensee on an inactive status list. A personwhose license is inactive or who has discontinued his or her practicebecause of retirement shall not practice his or her profession within thisstate, but shall be allowed to practice his or her profession on himself orherself or on his or her immediate family, however, such person shall notbe allowed to prescribe controlled substances. Such person may continue touse the title of his or her profession or the initials of his or herprofession after such person's name.
2. During the period of inactive status, the licensee shall not berequired to comply with the board's minimum requirements for continuingeducation.
3. If a licensee is granted inactive status, the licensee may returnto active status by notifying the board in advance of his or her intention,paying the appropriate fees, and meeting all established requirements ofthe board as a condition of reinstatement.
4. Any licensee allowing his or her license to become inactive maywithin five years of the inactive status return his or her license toactive status by notifying the board in advance of such intention, payingthe appropriate fees, and meeting all established licensure requirements ofthe board, excluding the licensing examination, as a condition ofreinstatement.
(L. 2002 S.B. 1182)