334.101. 1. Other provisions of section 620.010, RSMo, tothe contrary notwithstanding, the board shall, at leastquarterly, publish a list of the names and addresses of allpersons who hold licenses under the provisions of this chapter,and shall publish a list of all persons whose licenses have beensuspended, revoked, surrendered, restricted, denied or withheld.The board shall mail a copy of such lists to any person, uponrequest.
2. Other provisions of section 620.010, RSMo, to thecontrary notwithstanding, in addition, the board shall prepareand make available to the public a report upon the disciplinarymatters submitted to them where the board recommends disciplinaryaction except in those instances when persons possessing licensesvoluntarily enter treatment and monitoring programs for purposesof rehabilitation and, in these instances, only this specificaction shall not be reported with any other actions taken priorto, as part of, or following voluntary entrance into suchtreatment programs. The report shall set forth findings of factand any final disciplinary actions of the board. Where the boarddoes not recommend disciplinary action, a report stating that noaction is recommended shall be prepared and forwarded to thecomplaining party.
(L. 1987 H.B. 667, et al.)