334.112. 1. A person desiring to obtain a limited licenseto practice medicine shall:
(1) Submit to the board, with an application and fee, notto exceed twenty-five dollars, a verified affidavit stating thathe has been licensed to practice medicine in Missouri or in anystate or territory of the United States or the District ofColumbia for at least ten years, is retired from the practice ofmedicine and that his license was in good standing at retirement;
(2) Meet the requirements in section 334.031 and 334.080.
2. The board shall not require more than five hours ofcontinuing education annually as a requirement of renewal of alimited licensee's certificate of registration.
3. A physician with a limited license may only providewithout compensation primary care and preventive health careservices to family members or at facilities operated by city orcounty health departments organized under chapter 192, RSMo, orchapter 205, RSMo, city health departments operating under citycharters, combined city-county health centers, public elementaryor secondary schools, federally funded community health centers,or nonprofit community health centers.
4. As used in this section, primary care and preventivehealth care services are limited to noninvasive procedures, andshall not include obstetrical care or any specialized care ortreatment, but may include injections, the suturing of minorlacerations, and incisions of boils or superficial abscesses.
5. A physician with a limited license may not prescribecontrolled substances as defined in chapter 195, RSMo.
(L. 1993 H.B. 564)