334.150. It is not intended by sections 334.010 to 334.140 to prohibitisolated or occasional gratuitous service to and treatment of the afflicted,and sections 334.010 to 334.140 shall not apply to physicians and surgeonscommissioned as officers of the armed forces of the United States or of thepublic health services of the United States while in the performance of theirofficial duties, nor to any licensed practitioner of medicine and surgery in aborder state attending the sick in this state, if he does not maintain anoffice or appointed place to meet patients or receive calls within the limitsof this state, and if he complies with the statutes of Missouri and the rulesand regulations of the department of social services relating to the reportsof births, deaths and contagious diseases; and sections 334.010 to 334.140shall not apply to Christian Science practitioners who endeavor to cure orprevent disease or suffering exclusively by spiritual means or prayer, so longas quarantine regulations relating to contagious diseases are not infringedupon; but no provision of this section shall be construed or held in any wayto interfere with the enforcement of the rules and regulations adopted andapproved by the department of health and senior services or any municipalityunder the laws of this state for the control of communicable or contagiousdiseases.
(RSMo 1939 § 9992, A.L. 1959 S.B. 50 § 13) Prior revisions: 1929 § 9122; 1919 § 7338; 1909 § 8319