334.408. 1. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, any personlicensed pursuant to sections 334.400 to 334.430 may apply to the board foran inactive license status on a form furnished by the board. Upon receiptof the completed inactive status application form and a determination bythe board that the licensee meets the requirements defined by board rule,the board shall declare the licensee inactive and shall place the licenseeon an inactive status list. A person that has an inactive license or hasdiscontinued the practice of an anesthesiologist assistant because ofretirement shall not practice as an anesthesiologist assistant within thisstate.
2. During the period of inactive status, the licensee shall not berequired to comply with the board's minimum requirements for continuingeducation.
3. If a licensee is granted inactive status, the licensee may returnto active status by notifying the board of the intention to resume thepractice of an anesthesiologist assistant, paying the appropriate fees, andmeeting all established licensure requirements of the board as a conditionof reinstatement.
4. Any licensee that allows the license to become inactive for aperiod of five years or less may return the license to active status bynotifying the board in advance of such intention, paying the appropriatefees, and meeting all established licensure requirements of the board,excluding the licensing examination, as a condition of reinstatement.
(L. 2003 H.B. 390)