334.412. 1. Upon the applicant paying a fee equivalent to therequired licensing fee and furnishing the board with all locations ofprevious practice and licensure in chronological order, the board may,subject to the prescribed rules and regulations, license, withoutexamination or additional certification, any qualified applicant that meetsthe requirements of this state including any person that is licensed in anystate or territory of the United States or the District of Columbia withthe authority to practice in the same manner and to the same extent as ananesthesiologist assistant is authorized to practice pursuant to sections334.400 to 334.430. Pursuant to sections 334.400 to 334.430, the boardshall have the authority to negotiate reciprocal compacts with licensingboards of other states for the admission of licensed anesthesiologistassistants from Missouri to practice in other states.
2. The board shall issue a license to any anesthesiologist assistant,who is licensed in another jurisdiction and who has had no violations,suspensions, or revocations of a license, to practice as ananesthesiologist assistant in any jurisdiction, provided that, such personis licensed in a jurisdiction whose requirements are substantially equalto, or greater than, the requirements for licensure of anesthesiologistassistants in Missouri at the time the applicant applies for licensure.
(L. 2003 H.B. 390)