334.418. 1. Except as provided in subsection 2 of this section, noperson shall practice as an anesthesiologist assistant unless the personholds a current, valid certificate of registration issued pursuant tosections 334.400 to 334.430 to practice as an anesthesiologist assistant.
2. The provision of subsection 1 of this section shall not apply tothe following:
(1) A person participating in a training program leading towardcertification by the National Commission for Certification ofAnesthesiologist Assistants, as long as the person is supervised by ananesthesiologist;
(2) An individual participating in a hospital residency program inpreparation to practice as an anesthesiologist; and
(3) Any person who is otherwise authorized by subsection 2 of section334.428 to perform any of the activities that an anesthesiologist assistantis authorized to perform.
(L. 2003 H.B. 390)