334.660. 1. The board shall license without examination legallyqualified persons who possess active certificates of licensure,registration or certification in any state or territory of the UnitedStates or the District of Columbia, who have had no violations, suspensionsor revocations of such license, registration or certification, if suchpersons have passed an examination to practice as a physical therapistassistant that was substantially equal to the examination requirements ofthis state and in all other aspects, including education, the requirementsfor such certificates of licensure, registration or certification were, atthe date of issuance, substantially equal to the requirements for licensurein this state.
2. Every applicant for a license pursuant to this section, uponmaking application and providing documentation of the necessaryqualifications as provided in this section, shall pay the same fee requiredof applicants to take the examination before the board. Within the limitsof this section, the board may negotiate reciprocal contracts withlicensing boards of other states for the admission of licensedpractitioners from Missouri in other states.
3. The applicant shall successfully pass a test administered by theboard on the laws and rules related to practice as a physical therapistassistant in this state.
(L. 1996 H.B. 999, A.L. 1999 H.B. 343 merged with S.B. 8 & 173, A.L. 2004 S.B. 1122 merged with S.B. 1181, A.L. 2008 S.B. 788)