337.021. 1. The provisions of this section shall govern, except asprovided in subsection 3 of this section, the education and experiencerequirements for initial licensure as a psychologist for the followingpersons:
(1) A person who has completed a graduate program which is primarilypsychological in nature prior to August 28, 1990; or
(2) A person who is matriculated in a graduate program which isprimarily psychological in nature prior to August 28, 1990; provided that,such person who does not complete all requirements for initial licensureprior to August 28, 1996, except as provided in subsections 5 and 6 of thissection, shall be governed by the licensure requirements of section337.025.
2. Each applicant shall submit evidence satisfactory to the committeethat the applicant either:
(1) Has received a doctoral degree, based upon a program of studiesfrom a recognized educational institution the contents of which wereprimarily psychological, as defined by rule, and who has had at least oneyear of satisfactory supervised professional experience in the generalfield of psychology, as defined by rule; or
(2) Received a master's degree, based upon a program of studies froma recognized educational institution the contents of which were primarilypsychological, as defined by rule, and who has had at least three years ofsatisfactory professional experience in the general field of psychology, asdefined by rule.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 1 of this section, anapplicant who has received a doctoral degree from a graduate program whichis primarily psychological in nature prior to August 28, 1990, may elect atthe applicant's option to have the applicant's application and licensureevaluated pursuant to the provisions of either section 337.021 or 337.025.
4. The rules referred to in subsection 2 of this section shall bethose rules as previously promulgated by the department pursuant to theprovisions of sections 337.020 and 337.050 as were in force and effect onAugust 28, 1989.
5. Notwithstanding any provision of section 337.025 or this sectionto the contrary, any person who qualifies for initial licensure pursuant tosubdivision (2) of subsection 2 of this section that has taken the Missourilicensing examination but has not received a passing score on the licensingexamination before August 28, 1996, shall be allowed the same amount ofattempts, within the same allotted time, to pass such examination as aperson who meets the requirements for initial licensure pursuant tosubdivision (1) of subsection 2 of this section.
6. As used in sections 337.010 to 337.090, initial licensure refersonly to the educational and experience requirements set forth in subsection2 of this section, such that initial licensure shall not include passage ofany examination given for the purposes of full licensure under section337.020.
(L. 1989 H.B. 738 & 720, A.L. 1997 S.B. 141, A.L. 1998 S.B. 732)