337.025. 1. The provisions of this section shall govern theeducation and experience requirements for initial licensure as apsychologist for the following persons:
(1) A person who has not matriculated in a graduate degree programwhich is primarily psychological in nature on or before August 28, 1990;and
(2) A person who is matriculated after August 28, 1990, in a graduatedegree program designed to train professional psychologists.
2. Each applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence to the committeethat the applicant has received a doctoral degree in psychology from arecognized educational institution, and has had at least one year ofsatisfactory supervised professional experience in the field of psychology.
3. A doctoral degree in psychology is defined as:
(1) A program accredited, or provisionally accredited, by theAmerican Psychological Association; or
(2) A program designated or approved, including provisional approval,by the American Association of State Psychology Boards or the Council forthe National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology, or both;or
(3) A graduate program that meets all of the following criteria:
(a) The program, wherever it may be administratively housed, shall beclearly identified and labeled as a psychology program. Such a programshall specify in pertinent institutional catalogues and brochures itsintent to educate and train professional psychologists;
(b) The psychology program shall stand as a recognizable, coherentorganizational entity within the institution of higher education;
(c) There shall be a clear authority and primary responsibility forthe core and specialty areas whether or not the program cuts acrossadministrative lines;
(d) The program shall be an integrated, organized, sequence of study;
(e) There shall be an identifiable psychology faculty and apsychologist responsible for the program;
(f) The program shall have an identifiable body of students who arematriculated in that program for a degree;
(g) The program shall include a supervised practicum, internship,field, or laboratory training appropriate to the practice of psychology;
(h) The curriculum shall encompass a minimum of three academic yearsof full-time graduate study, with a minimum of one year's residency at theeducational institution granting the doctoral degree; and
(i) Require the completion by the applicant of a core program inpsychology which shall be met by the completion and award of at least onethree-semester-hour graduate credit course or a combination of graduatecredit courses totaling three semester hours or five quarter hours in eachof the following areas:
a. The biological bases of behavior such as courses in:physiological psychology, comparative psychology, neuropsychology,sensation and perception, psychopharmacology;
b. The cognitive-affective bases of behavior such as courses in:learning, thinking, motivation, emotion, and cognitive psychology;
c. The social bases of behavior such as courses in: socialpsychology, group processes/dynamics, interpersonal relationships, andorganizational and systems theory;
d. Individual differences such as courses in: personality theory,human development, abnormal psychology, developmental psychology, childpsychology, adolescent psychology, psychology of aging, and theories ofpersonality;
e. The scientific methods and procedures of understanding, predictingand influencing human behavior such as courses in: statistics,experimental design, psychometrics, individual testing, group testing, andresearch design and methodology.
4. Acceptable supervised professional experience shall consist of aminimum of fifteen hundred hours of professional experience obtained in notless than twelve nor more than twenty-four consecutive calendar months. Inno case shall this experience be accumulated at a rate of less than twentyhours per week nor more than fifty hours per week. Postdoctoral supervisedprofessional experience for prospective health service providers shallinvolve and relate to the delivery of psychological health services.Postdoctoral supervised professional experience for other applicants shallbe in accordance with professional requirements and relevant to theapplicant's intended area of practice.
5. Postdoctoral experience for those applicants who intend to seekhealth service provider certification and who have completed a program inone or more of the American Psychological Association designated healthservice provider delivery areas shall be obtained under the primarysupervision of a licensed psychologist who is also a health serviceprovider or who otherwise meets the requirements for health serviceprovider certification. Postdoctoral experience for those applicants whodo not intend to seek health service provider certification shall beobtained under the primary supervision of a licensed psychologist or suchother qualified mental health professional approved by the committee.
6. The psychological activities of the applicant shall be performedpursuant to the primary supervisor's order, control, and full professionalresponsibility. The primary supervisor shall maintain a continuingrelationship with the applicant and shall meet with the applicant a minimumof one hour per month in face-to-face individual supervision. Clinicalsupervision may be delegated by the primary supervisor to one or moresecondary supervisors who are* qualified psychologists**. The secondarysupervisors shall retain order, control and full professionalresponsibility for the applicant's clinical work under their supervisionand shall meet with the applicant a minimum of one hour per week inface-to-face individual supervision. If the primary supervisor is also theclinical supervisor, meetings shall be a minimum of one hour per week.Group supervision shall not be acceptable for supervised professionalexperience. The primary supervisor shall certify to the committee that theapplicant has complied with these requirements and that the applicant hasdemonstrated ethical and competent practice of psychology. The changing byan agency of the primary supervisor during the course of the supervisedexperience shall not invalidate the supervised experience.
7. The committee by rule shall provide procedures for exceptions andvariances from the requirements for once a week face-to-face supervisiondue to vacations, illness, pregnancy, and other good causes.
(L. 1977 H.B. 255 ยง 4, A.L. 1989 H.B. 738 & 720, A.L. 1998 H.B. 1601, et al. merged with S.B. 732)*Words "is a" appear in original rolls.
**Word "psychologist" appears in original rolls.