337.653. 1. No person shall use the title of licensed baccalaureatesocial worker and engage in the practice of baccalaureate social work inthis state unless the person is licensed as required by the provisions ofsections 337.600 to 337.689.
2. A licensed baccalaureate social worker shall be deemed qualifiedto practice the following:
(1) Engage in assessment and evaluation from a generalistperspective, excluding the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness andemotional disorders;
(2) Conduct basic data gathering of records and social problems ofindividuals, groups, families and communities, assess such data, andformulate and implement a plan to achieve specific goals;
(3) Serve as an advocate for clients, families, groups or communitiesfor the purpose of achieving specific goals;
(4) Counsel, excluding psychotherapy; however, counseling shall bedefined as providing support, direction, and guidance to clients byassisting them in successfully solving complex social problems;
(5) Perform crisis intervention, screening and resolution, excludingthe use of psychotherapeutic techniques;
(6) Be a community supporter, organizer, planner or administrator fora social service program;
(7) Conduct crisis planning ranging from disaster relief planning forcommunities to helping individuals prepare for the death or disability offamily members;
(8) Inform and refer clients to other professional services;
(9) Perform case management and outreach, including but not limitedto planning, managing, directing or coordinating social services; and
(10) Engage in the training and education of social work studentsfrom an accredited institution and supervise other licensed baccalaureatesocial workers.
3. If the licensed baccalaureate social worker has completed threethousand hours of supervised baccalaureate experience with a qualifiedbaccalaureate supervisor in no less than twenty-four months and no morethan forty-eight consecutive calendar months, the licensed baccalaureatesocial worker may engage in the independent practice of baccalaureatesocial work as defined in section 337.600 and subdivisions (1) to (10) ofsubsection 2 of this section. Upon demonstrating the successful completionof supervised experience, the state committee for social workers shallprovide the licensee with a certificate clearly stating the individual'squalification to practice independently with the words "independentpractice" or "IP" next to his or her licensure.
(L. 2001 H.B. 567, A.L. 2005 S.B. 177, A.L. 2007 H.B. 780 merged with S.B. 308)