337.739. 1. There is created and established the "State Committee ofMarital and Family Therapists" which shall consist of four family andmarital therapists and two voting public members. The committee shall beappointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate.Committee members shall serve for a term of five years, except for themembers first appointed, one public member and one other member shall beappointed for five years, two members shall be appointed for four years,the other public member and one other member appointed for three years. Noperson shall be eligible for appointment to the committee who has served asa member of the committee for a total of ten years. Members shall beappointed to represent a diversity in gender, race and ethnicity. No morethan three members shall be from the same political party.
2. Each nonpublic committee member shall be a resident of the stateof Missouri for one year, shall be a United States citizen, and shall meetall the requirements for licensing enumerated in sections 337.700 to337.739, shall be licensed pursuant to sections 337.700 to 337.739, exceptthe members of the first committee, who shall be licensed within six monthsof their appointment, and are actively engaged in the practice of maritaland family therapy. If a member of the committee shall, during themember's term as a committee member, remove the member's domicile from thestate of Missouri, then the committee shall immediately notify thegovernor, and the seat of that committee member shall be declared vacant.All such vacancies shall be filled by appointment as in the same manner asthe first appointment, and the member so appointed shall serve for theunexpired term of the member whose seat has been declared vacant. Thepublic members shall be at the time of each member's appointment a citizenof the United States; a resident of this state for a period of one year anda registered voter; a person who is not and never was a member of anyprofession licensed or regulated pursuant to this chapter or the spouse ofsuch person; a person who does not have and never has had a material,financial interest in either the provision of the professional servicesregulated by this chapter, or an activity or organization directly relatedto any profession licensed or regulated pursuant to this chapter.
3. The committee shall hold a regular annual meeting at which itshall select from among its members a chairman and a secretary. A quorumof the committee shall consist of a majority of its members. In theabsence of the chairman, the secretary shall conduct the office of thechairman.
4. No member of the committee shall receive any compensation for theperformance of the member's official duties but shall be entitled toreimbursement for necessary and actual expenses incurred in the performanceof the member's duties. The committee shall share resources and facilitieswith the office for the committee for professional counselors provided forin sections 337.500 to 337.540. All staff for the committee shall beprovided by the director of the division of professional registration.
5. The governor may remove any member of the committee formisconduct, inefficiency, incompetency or neglect of office.
(L. 1995 S.B. 69, et al., A.L. 1999 H.B. 343)