338.330. As used in sections 338.300 to 338.370, the following termsmean:
(1) "Out-of-state wholesale drug distributor", a wholesale drugdistributor with no physical facilities located in the state;
(2) "Pharmacy distributor", any licensed pharmacy, as defined insection 338.210, engaged in the delivery or distribution of legend drugs toany other licensed pharmacy where such delivery or distribution constitutesat least five percent of the total gross sales of such pharmacy;
(3) "Wholesale drug distributor", anyone engaged in the delivery ordistribution of legend drugs from any location and who is involved in theactual, constructive or attempted transfer of a drug or drug-related devicein this state, other than to the ultimate consumer. This shall include,but not be limited to, drug wholesalers, repackagers and manufacturerswhich are engaged in the delivery or distribution of drugs in this state,with facilities located in this state or in any other state orjurisdiction. A wholesale drug distributor shall not include any commoncarrier or individual hired solely to transport legend drugs. Anylocations where drugs are delivered on a consignment basis, as defined bythe board, shall be exempt from licensure as a drug distributor, and thosestandards of practice required of a drug distributor but shall be open forinspection by board of pharmacy representatives as provided for in section338.360.
(L. 1989 S.B. 39, A.L. 1993 S.B. 27, A.L. 1998 S.B. 940)