339.501. 1. Beginning July 1, 1999, it shall be unlawful for any personin this state to act as a real estate appraiser, or to directly or indirectly,engage or assume to engage in the business of real estate appraisal or toadvertise or hold himself or herself out as engaging in or conducting suchbusiness without first obtaining a license or certificate issued by theMissouri real estate appraisers commission as provided in sections 339.500 to339.549.
2. No license or certificate shall be issued pursuant to sections339.500 to 339.549 to a partnership, association, corporation, firm or group;except that, nothing in this section shall preclude a state-licensed orstate-certified real estate appraiser from rendering appraisals for, or onbehalf of, a partnership, association, corporation, firm or group, providedthe appraisal report is prepared by, or under the immediate personal directionof the state-licensed or state-certified real estate appraiser and is reviewedand signed by such state-licensed or state-certified appraiser.
3. Any person who is not state licensed or state certified pursuant tosections 339.500 to 339.549 may assist a state-licensed or state-certifiedreal estate appraiser in the performance of an appraisal; provided that, suchperson is personally supervised by a state-licensed or state-certifiedappraiser and provided further that any appraisal report rendered inconnection with the appraisal is reviewed and signed by the state-licensed orstate-certified real estate appraiser.
4. Nothing in sections 339.500 to 339.549 shall abridge, infringe uponor otherwise restrict the right to use the term "certified ad valorem taxappraiser" or any similar term by persons performing ad valorem taxappraisals.
5. The provisions of sections 339.500 to 339.549 shall not be construedto require a license or certificate for:
(1) Any person, partnership, association or corporation who, as owner,performs appraisals of property owned by such person, partnership, associationor corporation;
(2) Any licensed real estate broker or salesperson who prepares acomparative market analysis or a broker price opinion;
(3) Any employee of a local, state or federal agency who performsappraisal services within the scope of his or her employment; except that,this exemption shall not apply where any local, state or federal agencyrequires an employee to be registered, licensed or certified to performappraisal services;
(4) Any employee of a federal or state-regulated lending agency orinstitution;
(5) Any agent of a federal or state-regulated lending agency orinstitution in a county of third or fourth classification.
(L. 1998 H.B. 1601, et al.)