339.527. 1. A certificate or license issued pursuant to sections339.500 to 339.549 shall bear the signature or facsimile signature of thechairman of the commission and a certificate or license number assigned by thecommission.
2. A state-certified real estate appraiser may designate or identify anappraisal report rendered by him or her as a certified appraisal for the typeof property included in his or her certification.
3. Each state-certified real estate appraiser or state-licensed realestate appraiser shall place the certificate or license number adjacent to orimmediately below the designation "Missouri State-certified(Residential/General) Real Estate Appraiser" or "Missouri State-licensed RealEstate Appraiser" when used in an appraisal report or in a contract or otherinstrument used by the holder of the certificate or license in conducting anappraisal assignment or specialized appraisal services.
4. The terms "Missouri State-certified (Residential/General) Real EstateAppraiser" and "Missouri State-licensed Real Estate Appraiser" may only beused to refer to individuals who hold a certificate or license and may not beused following or immediately in connection with the name or signature of afirm, partnership, corporation, or group or in such manner that it might beinterpreted as referring to certification or licensure of the firm,partnership, corporation, group, or to certification or licensure of anyoneother than an individual holder of the certificate or license.
5. A certificate or license shall be issued pursuant to sections 339.500to 339.549 only to a natural person. However, nothing in this section shallpreclude a state-certified real estate appraiser or state-licensed real estateappraiser from rendering appraisals for or on behalf of a corporation,partnership or association, provided that the appraisal report is prepared by,or under the immediate direction of, a state-certified real estate appraiseror state-licensed real estate appraiser, and further provided that theappraisal report is signed by the state-certified real estate appraiser orstate-licensed real estate appraiser.
(L. 1990 H.B. 1456 ยง 15, A.L. 1998 H.B. 1601, et al.)