341.150. It shall be the duty of the plumbing supervisor toexamine or cause to be examined all applications and proposedplans for the installation of plumbing and drainlaying, includingall combined storm water and sanitary sewer or sanitary sewersand all connections thereto, and he shall examine and inspect allsewage treatment devices or equipment of whatever character andif found to be in conformity with the provisions of sections341.090 to 341.220 and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, heshall approve such proposed installation and equipment and shallissue permits for the installation thereof. He shall be requiredto investigate any report of the installation of defective workor materials not in conformity with the provisions of sections341.090 to 341.220, and derogatory to established principles ofpublic health and shall require the correction of such defectiveinstallation. He shall inspect or cause inspection to be made ofall water and sewer connections, and all repairs to water andsewer pipes where an excavation is required, all rough andfinished plumbing installations, materials and fixtures, and alldrainlaying, sanitary sewers and all connections thereto, and anyand all sewage treatment, equipment or facilities, and requiretheir installation in compliance with the provisions of sections341.090 to 341.220 and the regulations adopted pursuant thereto.He shall report to the prosecuting attorney any and allviolations of sections 341.090 to 341.220 or the regulationsadopted pursuant thereto. He shall supervise the department ofplumbing and sewer inspection and shall keep a proper book recordof all transactions and shall make annual report thereof to thecounty commission and shall collect all fees required to be paidunder the provisions of sections 341.090 to 341.220 and shall paythe same promptly into the county treasury.
(L. 1943 p. 831 ยง 10)