342.010. No person shall be authorized to manage, control ortake charge of or act as engineer of any steam boiler, engine orapparatus, in any city in the state of Missouri having overtwenty thousand inhabitants, who has not the requisite knowledgeand ability to manage the same with safety to the lives andproperty of the inhabitants of such cities. No person shall beauthorized to act as inspector of stationary steam engines,boilers or apparatus in any of the cities mentioned in thissection who has not the qualifications herein mentioned. Anyperson who shall manage, control or take charge of or act asengineer of any steam boiler, engine or apparatus as indicated inthis section, who shall not be a duly qualified engineer, shallbe deemed to be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction shallbe fined not less than ten nor more than five hundred dollars.
(RSMo 1939 § 14956)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13763; 1919 § 10967; 1909 § 10672