342.020. Any incorporated association of qualified localsteam engineers in any city as mentioned in section 342.010 shallbe authorized to grant certificates of qualification to allpersons who duly pass an examination before a committee ofexaminers, to be appointed by any such corporation, and are foundcompetent to manage such steam engines, boilers and apparatus asmentioned in said section 342.010, such certificates to be signedby the examining committee, and to be issued under the signatureof the president and the seal of said corporation, any suchcertificate to be prima facie evidence of the qualifications ofthe person to whom it is issued; no charge to be made for anysuch certificate, however, exceeding one dollar.
(RSMo 1939 § 14957)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13764; 1919 § 10968; 1909 § 10673