345.033. 1. Any person licensed under sections 345.010 to 345.080who dispenses products associated with professional practice to clients forremuneration shall deliver to each person supplied with a product acompleted purchase agreement which shall include the terms of the saleclearly stated using ordinary English language and terminology which iseasily understood by the purchaser. If a product which is not new is sold,the purchase agreement and the container thereof shall be clearly marked as"used", "recased", or "reconditioned", whichever is applicable, with termsof guarantee, if any.
2. Any audiologist licensed under sections 345.010 to 345.080 whodispenses hearing instruments shall include in the purchase agreement for ahearing instrument the following:
(1) The licensee's signature, business address, and license number;
(2) The specifications of the hearing instrument dispensed includingmake, model, and serial number;
(3) The exact amount of any down payment;
(4) The length of any trial period provided;
(5) The amount of any charges or service fees connected with anytrial period;
(6) A description of the right of the purchaser to return the hearinginstrument or written notification that no such right exists;
(7) The name of the manufacturer of the component parts and theassembler or reassembler of the hearing instrument when the product sold isremanufactured or assembled by someone other than the manufacturer of thecomponent parts.
(L. 2007 H.B. 780 merged with S.B. 308)