346.010. As used in sections 346.010 to 346.250, except as thecontext may require otherwise, the following terms mean:
(1) "Audiologist", a clinical audiologist licensed pursuant tochapter 345, RSMo;
(2) "Board", the Missouri board of examiners for hearing instrumentspecialists, which is established in section 346.120;
(3) "Department", the department of insurance, financial institutionsand professional registration;
(4) "Division", the division of professional registration;
(5) "Hearing instrument" or "hearing aid", any wearable instrument ordevice designed for or offered for the purpose of aiding or compensatingfor impaired human hearing and any parts, attachments, or accessories,including earmold, but excluding batteries, cords, receivers and repairs;
(6) "Hearing instrument specialist" or "specialist", a personlicensed by the state pursuant to sections 346.010 to 346.250 who isauthorized to engage in the practice of fitting hearing instruments;
(7) "Hearing instrument specialist in-training", a person who holds atemporary permit issued by the division to fit hearing instruments underthe supervision of a hearing instrument specialist;
(8) "License", a license issued by the state under sections 346.010to 346.250 to hearing instrument specialists;
(9) "Otolaryngologist", a person licensed to practice medicine andsurgery in the state of Missouri pursuant to chapter 334, RSMo, and whospends the majority of the person's practice seeing patients with ear,nose, and throat diseases;
(10) "Person", an individual, corporation, partnership, jointventure, association, trust or any other legal entity;
(11) "Practice of fitting hearing instruments", the selection,adaptation, and sale of hearing instruments, including the testing andevaluation of hearing by means of an audiometer and the making ofimpressions for earmolds;
(12) "Registration of supervision", the process of obtaining acertificate of authority issued by the division to a hearing instrumentspecialist that enables the specialist to supervise one or more hearinginstrument specialists in-training, as defined by division rules;
(13) "Sell or sale", any transfer of title or of the right to use bylease, bailment, or any other contract, excluding wholesale transactionswith distributors or dealers;
(14) "Supervised training", the program of education and experience,as defined by division rule, required to be followed by each hearinginstrument specialist in-training;
(15) "Supervisor", a hearing instrument specialist who has filed aregistration of supervision with the board and has received from thedivision a certificate of authority;
(16) "Temporary permit", a permit issued by the division while theapplicant is in training to become a licensed hearing instrumentspecialist.
(L. 1973 H.B. 396 & 257 ยง 1, A.L. 1995 S.B. 69, et al., A.L. 2008 S.B. 788)