348.253. 1. The Missouri technology corporation may contract withnot-for-profit organizations to carry out the provisions of sections 348.251to 348.275. By entering into such contracts, the corporation shall attempt toachieve the following objectives:
(1) The establishment of a research alliance which shall advancetechnology development, as defined in subdivision (3) of section 348.251. Thecorporation, in this capacity, shall have the authority to contract directlywith centers for advanced technology, as established by section 348.272, andother not-for-profit entities. In proceeding with this objective, thecorporation and centers for advanced technology shall utilize the results oftargeted industry studies commissioned by the department of economicdevelopment;
(2) Technology commercialization, as defined in subdivision (2) ofsection 348.251;
(3) The establishment of a finance corporation to assist in theimplementation of section 348.261; and
(4) The enhancement of technology application, as defined in subdivision(1) of section 348.251.
2. Any contract signed between the corporation and anynot-for-profit organization, including innovation centers as defined insection 348.271, shall require that the not-for-profit organization mustprovide at least one-hundred-percent match for any funding received from thecorporation through the technology investment fund, as established in section348.264.
(L. 1995 H.B. 414)