348.261. The corporation, after being certified by the governor asprovided by section 348.251, may:
(1) Establish a statewide business modernization network to assistMissouri businesses in identifying ways to enhance productivity and marketcompetitiveness;
(2) Identify scientific and technological problems and opportunitiesrelated to the economy of Missouri and formulate proposals to overcomethose problems or realize those opportunities;
(3) Identify specific areas where scientific research andtechnological investigation will contribute to the improvement ofproductivity of Missouri manufacturers and farmers;
(4) Determine specific areas in which financial investment inscientific and technological research and development from privatebusinesses located in Missouri could be enhanced or increased if stateresources were made available to assist in financing activities;
(5) Assist in establishing cooperative associations of universitiesin Missouri and of private enterprises for the purpose of coordinatingresearch and development programs that will, consistent with the primaryeducational function of the universities, aid in the creation of new jobsin Missouri;
(6) Assist in financing the establishment and continued developmentof technology-intensive businesses in Missouri;
(7) Advise universities of the research needs of Missouri businessand improve the exchange of scientific and technological information forthe mutual benefit of universities and private business;
(8) Coordinate programs established by universities to provideMissouri businesses with scientific and technological information;
(9) Establish programs in scientific education which will support theaccelerated development of technology-intensive businesses in Missouri;
(10) Provide financial assistance through contracts, grants and loansto programs of scientific and technological research and development;
(11) Determine how public universities can increase income derivedfrom the sale or licensure of products or processes having commercial valuethat are developed as a result of university sponsored research programs;
(12) Contract with innovation centers, as established in section348.271, small business development corporations, as established insections 620.1000 to 620.1007, RSMo, centers for advanced technology, asestablished in section 348.272, and other entities or organizations for theprovision of technology application, technology commercialization andtechnology development services. Such contracting procedures shall not besubject to the provisions of chapter 34, RSMo; and
(13) Make direct seed capital or venture capital investments inMissouri business investment funds or businesses which demonstrate thepromise of growth and job creation. Investments from the corporation maybe in the form of debt or equity in the respective businesses.
(L. 1993 H.B. 566, A.L. 1994 H.B. 1248 & 1048, A.L. 1995 H.B. 574)