348.263. 1. The Missouri business modernization andtechnology corporation shall replace the corporation for scienceand technology. All moneys, property or any other assetsremaining with the corporation for science and technology afterall obligations are satisfied on August 28, 1993, shall betransferred to the Missouri business modernization and technologycorporation. All powers, duties and functions performed by theMissouri corporation of science and technology on August 28,1993, shall be transferred to the Missouri business modernizationand technology corporation.
2. The Missouri technology corporation shall replace theMissouri business modernization and technology corporation. Allmoneys, property or any other assets remaining with the Missouribusiness modernization and technology corporation after allobligations are satisfied on August 28, 1994, shall betransferred to the Missouri technology corporation. All powers,duties and functions performed by the Missouri businessmodernization and technology corporation on August 28, 1994,shall be transferred to the Missouri technology corporation.
(L. 1993 H.B. 566, A.L. 1994 H.B. 1248 & 1048)