349.105. No later than January thirty-first of each year,the issuing authority shall file a report with the department ofeconomic development on the previous year's issuances, whichreport shall contain only the following information:
(1) The name and address of the issuing entity;
(2) The name, address, age, and type of business of thebeneficiary firm;
(3) The amount, term, interest rate, and date of issuance ofthe bonds issued;
(4) The name and address of the underwriter, if any, of suchbonds;
(5) A copy of the guaranty instrument, if any;
(6) The size, by assets and previous year's sales, and thecurrent number of employees, of the beneficiary firm;
(7) A copy of the preliminary official statement used whenoffering the bonds for sale;
(8) The estimated number of new jobs to be generated by theproposed project;
(9) A list of the use of bond proceeds, including whetherthe purpose of the project and the funds generated by theissuance of such bonds is to open a new business, build a branchplant, expand an existing facility or acquire an existingbusiness;
(10) The estimated total cost of the project.
(L. 1982 H.B. 1411 & 1587, A.L. 1983 S.B. 316)Effective 6-22-83