351.040. Any corporation formed for the purpose ofconstructing or maintaining a bridge over any river in this stateor bordering on this state, or within any adjoining state, orconstructing, owning, leasing, controlling, maintaining oroperating a toll bridge or viaduct in any city, town or villagein this state and any adjoining city, town or village in anyadjacent state, and connecting any county, city, town or villagein this state with any other county, city, town or village inthis state or in any adjoining state, for public use, for thecrossing of persons, wagons or street cars, is hereby authorizedand empowered to construct, maintain and operate said bridge orviaduct in, along, across or over any street or alley of anyincorporated city or town in this state, or of any adjacentstate, and to construct and maintain approaches for said bridgeor viaduct in any street or alley of any such incorporated cityor town in the state, or any adjacent state; provided, theconsent thereto of the municipal authorities of such city or townis first obtained; and provided, further, that municipalauthorities of cities or towns of this state shall not grant saidrights to any such corporation, to use any alley or street, inthe manner herein specified, until all damages to the abuttingreal estate on said street or alley over, in, along or acrosswhich said bridge or viaduct or approaches are built, shall havebeen first ascertained and paid by the corporation constructingsaid bridge or viaduct and approaches; said damages shall beascertained and paid in the same manner that is provided for bylaw in relation to the appropriation and valuation of lands andproperty taken for telegraph, macadamized, graded, plank, andrailroad purposes.
(RSMo 1939 § 5381, A.L. 1943 p. 410 § 166)Prior revisions: 1929 § 4974; 1919 § 10184; 1909 § 3378