351.235. Every meeting, for whatever object, of theshareholders in any corporation shall be convened by itspresident, secretary or other officer or any of the personscalling the meeting by a notice given as herein provided. If theobject of such meeting be to elect directors or to take a vote ofthe shareholders on any proposition, then, if the bylaws of thecorporation require, but not otherwise, the president or otherperson presiding at such meeting shall appoint not less than twopersons, who are not directors, inspectors to receive and canvassthe votes given at such meeting and certify the result to him.In all cases where the right to vote any share or shares in anycorporation shall be questioned, it shall be the duty of theinspectors, if any, or the persons conducting the vote to requirethe transfer books of such corporation as evidence of shares heldin such corporation*, and all shares that may appear standingthereon in the name of any person or persons shall be voted uponby such person or persons, directly by themselves or by proxy.
(RSMo 1939 § 5001, A.L. 1943 p. 410 § 29, A.L. 1975 S.B. 14)Prior revisions: 1929 § 4530; 1919 § 9726; 1909 § 2967
*Word "corporations" appears in original rolls.