351.895. 1. If proposed corporation* action creatingdissenters' rights under section 351.875 is authorized at ashareholders' meeting, the corporation shall deliver a writtendissenters' notice to all shareholders who satisfied therequirements of section 351.890.
2. The dissenters' notice shall be sent no later than tendays after approval by the shareholders, or if the corporateaction was taken without approval of the shareholders, then tendays after the corporate action was taken. The dissenters'notice shall:
(1) State where the payment demand shall be sent and whereand when certificates for certificated shares shall bedeposited;
(2) Inform holders of uncertificated shares to what extenttransfer of the shares shall be restricted after the paymentdemand is received;
(3) Supply a form for demanding payment that includes thedate of the first announcement to news media or to shareholdersof the terms of the proposed corporate action and requires thatthe person asserting dissenters' rights certify whether or nothe acquired beneficial ownership of the shares before that date;
(4) Set a date by which the corporation shall receive thepayment demand and when certificates for uncertificated sharesshall be deposited, neither of which dates may be fewer thanthirty nor more than sixty days after the date the noticeprovided for in subsection 1 of this section is delivered; and
(5) Be accompanied by a copy of sections 351.870 to351.930.
(L. 1990 H.B. 1432)*Word "corporation" appears in original rolls.