352.020. Any association formed for benevolent purposes,including any purely charitable society, hospital, asylum, houseof refuge, reformatory and eleemosynary institution,fraternal-beneficial associations, or any association whoseobject is to promote temperance or other virtue conducive to thewell-being of the community, and, generally, any associationformed to provide for some good in the order of benevolence, thatis useful to the public, may become a body corporate and politicunder this chapter; any association, congregation, society orchurch organization formed for religious purposes, and anyassociation formed to provide or maintain a cemetery; any school,college, institute, academy or other association formed foreducational or scientific purposes, including therein anyassociation formed specially to promote literature, history,science, information or skill among the learned professions,intellectual culture in any branch or department, or theestablishing of a museum, library, art gallery, or the erectionof a public monument, and in general, any association, society,company or organization which tends to the public advantage inrelation to any or several of the objects above enumerated, andwhatever is incident to such objects, may be created a bodycorporate and politic by complying with sections 352.010 and352.060.
(RSMo 1939 § 5439)Prior revisions: 1929 § 4999; 1919 § 10267; 1909 § 3435
(1958) Devise to a charitable use, even though the trustee is erroneously designated or is incapable of taking or acting, will be sustained in equity. Carlock v. Ladies Cemetery Association (Mo.), 317 S.W.2d 432.