352.110. 1. Every corporation created under this chaptershall make bylaws for its government and support and themanagement of its property, and therein provide, unless suchprovision is already made in its charter, for the admission ofnew members and how they shall be admitted, and prescribe theirqualifications.
2. Provision may also be made in such bylaws for the removalof officers for cause, and for the expulsion of members guilty ofany offense which affects the interests or good government of thecorporation, or is indictable by the laws of the land; provided,always, that such bylaws shall be conformable to the charter ofsuch corporation, and shall not impair or limit any provisionthereof or enlarge its scope, and shall not be contrary to theprovisions of the constitution or laws of this state.
(RSMo 1939 § 5446)Prior revisions: 1929 § 5005; 1919 § 10273; 1909 § 3441