352.190. Application for such dissolution shall be made by apetition, verified by the president and secretary of saidassociation or a majority of the directors or other governingbody of the association, setting forth a clear and concisestatement of the reasons which induce the members of saidassociation to desire a dissolution of the association. Amongother things, said petition shall contain a full and trueinventory of all the estate, both real and personal, in law andequity, of such association, and of all books, vouchers andsecurities in relation thereto; also the names of all members,their residence if known; also all encumbrances on the propertyof such association by judgment, mortgage, pledge, or otherwise,a list of all creditors of said association, and all engagementsor contracts entered into by said association, not fullysatisfied, performed or canceled.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 5462)