355.676. 1. A public benefit corporation shall give theattorney general written notice that it intends to dissolve at orbefore the time it delivers articles of dissolution to thesecretary of state. The notice shall include a copy or summaryof the plan of dissolution.
2. No assets shall be transferred or conveyed by a publicbenefit corporation as part of the dissolution process untiltwenty days after it has given the written notice required bysubsection 1 of this section to the attorney general or until theattorney general has consented in writing to, or indicated inwriting that he will take no action in respect to, the transfer orconveyance, whichever is earlier.
3. When all or substantially all of the assets of a publicbenefit corporation other than a church or convention orassociation of churches have been transferred or conveyedfollowing approval of dissolution, the board shall deliver to theattorney general a list showing those, other than creditors, towhom the assets were transferred or conveyed. The list shallindicate the address of each person, other than creditors, whoreceived assets and indicate what assets each received.
(L. 1994 H.B. 1095)Effective 7-1-95